The colour green is symbolic of rebirth, hope and Alsop High School. As they donned the old, proud emerald football kits you could tell it was the right thing. Those students had earned those shirts, and it was right and proper that they should represent their school in their true colours just like their alumnus had done over 100 years ago.

It was 3 degrees centigrade when the match kicked off and bits of the pitch had started to ice over. The weather may have been freezing but the football was red - hot. Alsop started typically strong, launching into their now established style of heavy metal football but St Hilda’s were a strong and well organised team, fielding some huge players who were also on the school Rugby team.

The first half was a battle against not just the other team but the elements as the temperature dropped to zero. Alsop’s established and reliable midfield trinity looking to dominate the middle of the park. However, it was the all-action display of player of the match Tom H who took the game by the neck, the tireless midfielder was controlling the tempo of the game, being tenacious in the tackle and never mis placing a pass just like a modern day Steven Gerrard.


At half time with the score 0-0 the possibility of penalties in the event of a draw was broached: Calland, Gillespie, Ward, Roberts and Manley chosen to step up in the event of a penalty shootout. Substitutions had to be made with powerful full back Max L making his match debut at left back in place of Lewis D to counter St Hilda’s physical game plan.

The second half kicked off. This is when the Alsop boys always shine because they have an iron will and a fierce determination to succeed. The first Alsop goal came from a quick counter down the right hand side as wing wizard Zach G raced down the flank and delivered a sublime cross into the middle of the box only to find Inside forward and backup goalkeeper Riley H completely unmarked! The flamboyant winger took it down perfectly on his chest and then released an unstoppable shot into the corner of the net to make it 1 nil Alsop.

For the second goal, current season top scorer Aiden C had tormented the St Hilda’s defence all game they simply couldn’t cope with his runs or his off the ball movement. Cynically, St Hilda’s had started to kick him and hack him down whenever he got the ball, but it was just a matter of time before the cultured forward got his revenge. He picked the ball up deep in the final third and then ran at the St Hilda’s defence like Diego Maradona in the 1986 world cup and sprinted towards goal. As he marauded his way forward like a Viking berserker his opponent tried to get the ball off him. Aiden battled shoulder to shoulder with the defender for 10 yards and as the tenacious striker got into the box he unleashed a fierce shot which the goalkeeper couldn’t hold and spilled it into the back of the net – 2 nil Alsop.

Clearly, the second goal had knocked the wind out of St – Hilda’s sails and they knew they were beaten. With 10 minutes to go the whole team was rotated with all substitutes being given game time and the first 11 rested for the upcoming match in the National Cup against West Derby.

As the ref blew the final whistle, Alsop celebrated the win. Alsop High School were amazing. They were robust, they were hungry, they were fighters, they deserved it, they were better than their opponents and they absolutely battered them. A delectable medley of heavy metal footballing splendour!

Going forward into this week, the two most in-form year 9 teams in the city play each other…  Alsop High School, currently battling for two cups and unbeaten this season versus West Derby High School, current National Cup finalists – What a game that is going to be this week!

We are Alsop.

We fear no-one.

Hear us roar!


St Hilda’s 0 – 2 Alsop

Goals – Hauley,  Calland