The Education Endowment Fund underlines in its research how the regular setting of meaningful homework tasks can result in additional progress for secondary pupils.

At Alsop High School, we recognise that homework plays an integral role in in the education of our pupils. It enhances learning, improves attainment, develops organisational skills and promotes independent learning. Homework reinforces the educational process and supports good habits that are essential for examination success and lifelong learning.

Homework must be planned for as an integral part of student learning. At Alsop High School, we expect this to focus on knowledge retrieval in KS3 to support student achievement and increase pupil confidence. In KS4 and KS5, homework tasks should be set to support retrieval practice and exam practice.

The purposes of our homework programme are:

  • To provide opportunities to support and reinforce learning
  • To allow for practise and consolidation of work completed in class
  • To prepare for future assessment
  • To provide further formative assessment opportunities
  • To provide training for pupils in planning and time management
  • To encourage pupils to take responsibility for their learning
  • To develop good study habits and routines
  • To provide opportunities for enrichment of work completed in school
  • To provide opportunities for individualised effort and initiative

In addition, homework provides teachers with evidence for the evaluation of teaching and learning, progress, and next steps.

How is homework set?

When setting homework, staff will:

  • Record homework on Bromcom on the day it is set. Homework assignments will be recorded as an assignment on Bromcom, which both students and parents/carers can see in the MCAS app. This will include an outline of the task and instructions for students.
  • Allow students at least 48 hours to complete homework

Frequency of homework

KS3 - Year Groups 7 & 9

  • Homework will be set every week for core subjects of Maths, Science and English
  • Homework will be set at least twice per half term for EBacc subjects of History, Geography, and Spanish
  • Homework will be set at least once per half term for all other subjects

KS4 - Year Groups 10 & 11

  • One homework task will be set every week for English, Maths and Science
  • All option subjects should set one homework task per fortnight


  • Students should be set homework by each subject to contribute to their 2-5 hours of independent study per subject per week
  • This can be undertaken independently in study periods within school as well as at home
  • It is expected that they will also be given a minimum of 48 hours for completion

Expected time allocation per homework:

  • Years 7, 8 and 9 (30 minutes per subject)
  • Years 10 and 11 (45 minutes per subject)
  • Years 12 and 13 (minimum 2 hours per subject)

Homework tasks in Key Stage 3 should focus on:

  • Sparx tasks for core subjects of English, Maths and Science
  • Retrieval practice
  • Multiple choice questions to identify misconceptions
  • The learning of key knowledge or vocabulary for mini tests to support subject specific literacy

Homework tasks in Key Stage 4 should focus on:

  • Sparx tasks for core subjects of English, Maths and Science
  • Retrieval practice
  • Examination questions
  • Reading comprehension tasks to reinforce what has already been taught

Examples of homework tasks in Key Stage 5 may include:

  • Retrieval practice
  • Examination or essay questions
  • Additional reading
  • Coursework tasks where appropriate

Support with homework

Additional support for students when completing homework can be found in the school library which is open to students at break and lunch times.


Whole school rewards systems should be used by teachers to reward exceptional performance in homework.