The Department for Education sets out five clear strands in their definition of British Values, and Alsop High School agrees with these principles in their entirety :

  • Democracy: The right to vote and have your say in how our country and local area is run.
  • Individual Liberty: The freedom to believe what you want and act as you like within the laws of our country.
  • The Rule of Law: All people should follow the laws in Britain. These laws are designed to protect everybody in the country.
  • Mutual Respect: That two people, no matter how different they are, can live harmoniously in the same society.
  • Tolerance of Others: To have a fair attitude towards people whose opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic background, differ from your own.

The values above have been, and continue to be, taught at Alsop High School for many years through our curriculum. Many of the values fit into our PSHE, Citizenship and SMSC curriculum which is mapped and tracked across all subjects. In short, all staff at Alsop High School are responsible for identifying and delivering British Values through their everyday contact with pupils.

Fundamental British Values translate into every aspect of 'The Alsop Way' of Ambition, Respect and Community as we instil a sense of citizenship and responsibility into all of our students. We expect our students to:

  • Be Committed 
  • Be Kind
  • Be Prepared
  • Be Positive
  • Be Engaged 
  • Be Ambitious

This is how we, at Alsop High School, embrace those Fundamental British Values.


Student voice is incredibly important to Alsop High School. Our Student Council consists of elected representatives from all year groups who give a voice to students in school affairs and activities.  Additionally, our sixth form students will canvas staff by producing a written statement encouraging staff to vote for them to the position of Head Boy and Head Girl.  The winners hold that position for 12 months and will represent the school at important functions.

The Student Council have a voice in a wide range of topics that affect the students. Students also feedback to their peers and listen to their thoughts in order to represent them to the best of their ability. 

The Rule of Law

Throughout their daily lives in school, students will encounter rules and laws. These rules and laws are constantly reinforced throughout the day both in classroom and outside. Examples of these school rules could be in completing homeworks, and national laws in terms of wearing face coverings.  Through individual subjects, our PSHE curriculum, collapsed days and through our behaviour for learning policy, students understand the reasons and values behind the rules and laws and also understand that there are sanctions if they do not follow them.

Occasionally, when conditions allow, we have invited in various external agencies to deliver assemblies, speak to individuals and groups of students to increase awareness of the importance of following rules and explaining the seriousness of the potential consequences that could occur.

Individual Liberty

In lessons, pupils are encouraged to join in and feel free to express their thoughts and opinions. They also taught that they will have their opinion challenged and they have a right to reply to this too. Pupils are encouraged to make good choices and understand that it is their right to receive an empowering education in a safe environment. They are encouraged to exercise their rights and personal freedom, whilst appreciating that everyone is unique. This enables our students to feel self-confident and have high self-esteem.

This is reinforced with Alsop High School ensuring that they know and understand and have the information to make the right choices for them through excellent independent careers advice, assemblies and lessons on E-Safety, PSHE lessons and collapsed days.  There is an abundance of leadership opportunities which students can become involved in, such as fundraising for local charities, or the Duke of Edinburgh's Award.

Mutual Respect

Respect is a core value at Alsop High School. Students and all staff treat each other with great respect. We insist upon it.  This is something we are really proud of. The relationships between our staff and students are incredible. This is backed up by our behaviour for learning policy, assemblies, class and form discussions and through the daily interactions of all members and visitors to our school.

All KS3 students now study RE after being reintroduced into the curriculum as a standalone subject, in which they will learn all about respect, why bullying is wrong, and forgiveness.

Extra-Curricular activities, be it Sport, Music, Art, Drama, Debate Mate, or ICT, contributes hugely to our ethos of Respect at Alsop High School.  As well as in lessons, through enrichment and after-school activities pupils learn to respect each other in every way.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

Students understand their place in a culturally diverse society through the many opportunities they experience. This is through assemblies, PSHE curriculum and through our RE Department. Previously, students have had first-hand experience at working with people from different cultures. For example; we often have visitors from a range of different cultures and backgrounds who meet and work with with the students. Alsop High School consistently challenges those opinions contrary to the fundamental British Value of tolerance, including ‘extremist’ views.

All major religions are studied and respected, and we believe that it is the responsibility of everyone to demonstrate tolerance and ensure that our students are knowledgeable and understanding citizens, prepared for life in modern Britain.