Vision of the Music Curriculum

Music is an extremely important subject for all students to learn and can lead to better brain development, increases in human connection, and can even be used as stress relief. Music is all around us every day and understanding music contributes to the understanding of the world we live in. At Alsop High School, we aim to nurture our students to become well rounded musicians with an appreciation for talent, creativity and a variety of musical styles. Music teaches discipline. Students need to be focussed and apply powerful theoretical knowledge as well as the complex language of music in order to successfully appraise, perform and compose music. We believe that Music provides students with a way of connecting with other people. They may share the same interests in music or learn to appreciate and accept that we all have different musical tastes but all of this is focussed round the idea that music is a universal language and can be shared with everyone. Music can spark emotions and we encourage our students to express their feelings with confidence in a creative, nurturing and supportive environment.

Music Curriculum Intent

Why is Music important? Music is an extremely important subject for all students to learn and can lead to better brain development, increases in human connection, and can even be used as stressrelief. Music is all around us every day and understanding music  contributes to the understanding of the world we live in.
What is Music’s value within the curriculum and in everyday life? At Alsop High School, we aim to nurture our students to become well roundedmusicians with an appreciation for talent, creativity and a variety of musical styles.  Music teaches discipline. Students need to be focussed and apply powerful theoretical knowledge as well as the complex language of music in order to successfully appraise, perform and compose music. We believe that Music provides students with a way of connecting with other people. They may share the same interests in music or learn to appreciate and accept that we all have different musical tastes but all of this is focussed round the idea that music is a universal language and can be shared with everyone. Music can spark emotions and we encourage our students to express their feelings with confidence in a creative, nurturing and supportive environment.
How does Music reinforce the Alsop values of Knowledge Respect and Opportunity? Music encapsulates the core values of Knowledge, Respect & Opportunity at Alsop High School. We teach the students powerful theoretical knowledge and language whilst encouraging reading around our subject content and equipping them with an appreciation for a wide array of musical genres through composition, performance and listening. Students are taught to respect the musical preferences, talents and creations of others. Students are given the opportunity to explore their own musical passions through instrumental tuition and extra-curricular groups and experience music outside of the school setting through a number of events and educational visits; contributing to the wider community whilst developing their social skills and ability to work collaboratively with others.
How does Music build on the foundations laid at KS2? Students build on their previous knowledge and skills through performing, composing and listening. They develop their vocal and/or instrumental fluency, accuracy andexpressiveness as well as their understanding of musical  structures, styles, genres and traditions by identifying the expressive use of musical dimensions. Students listen withincreasing discrimination and awareness to inform their practice as musicians. They are  given the opportunity to appreciate and understand a wide range of musical contexts and styles.
How does Music support reading? Students are taught key musical vocabulary through the use of the frayer model in all lessons. Whole class reading is part of the lesson structure and enables students tobuild their confidence when reading out loud. This is  supported with the introduction of challenging, subject specific vocabulary and pronunciation with all students expected to read and actively follow the texts. Key texts that are important to the study of certain units in all key stages are shared with the students and reading is actively encouraged.
How does Music challenge all learners? Music challenges all students in its use of specific vocabulary, application of knowledge through listening, performance composition activities. The students are praised for their confidence in practical activities but are presented with the fact that when being creative, there is no right or wrong way to approach a task. We instil the value that creative works can always be improved and more complex ideas can be built from the initial foundations; thus giving all students the opportunity to be challenged.
How is Music inclusive for all learners? The music department hosts an inclusive atmosphere that engages the studentsregardless of their ability. Students are immersed in group and individual activities within a safe and supportive environment as they come together through their love of mutual styles of music which contributes to a feeling of community. Music is a creative outlet for many students placing an emphasis on self-expression. 
What role does assessment play in your Music? Assessment in music takes shape in two ways; assessment of their practical skills in performance or composition and the assessment of their theoretical knowledge and its application. All units of work contain practical and theoretical assessments to ensure the knowledge in both areas is secure. Assessment gives us the opportunity to celebrate and share the creative successes of our students through their composition and performance work whilst assessing their knowledge of the subject. Our assessments provide information to students on an individual level that will provide them with clear direction toward improvement.
How are British values interwoven into the Music curriculum? Students are taught to respect the environment and musical preferences, talents and creations of others whilst celebrating individuality with an understanding of mutualrespect. Students are actively encouraged to collaborate  with each other when choosing musical repertoire; making decisions democratically in line with the expectations of their studies. The students study a wide variety of music from across the world giving them an understanding and tolerance of music within various faiths and beliefs. They learn how to be part of an appreciative and supportive audience who listen attentively whilst others perform. We have a strong focus on rewards to reinforce high expectations of behaviour and approach to study.
How is SMSC interwoven into the Music curriculum? As music leads to better brain development, increases in human connection, and can beused as stress relief, it contributes to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our students. Students are encouraged to  follow their creative visions which often trigger emotions. This in turn helps us to encourage our students to be strong, independent and confident in all they do.
How is cultural capital interwoven into the Music curriculum? We broaden the minds of our students with the study of music from different countriesand cultures; broadening their cultural capital through each key stage of their education. In addition to this, our knowledge rich curriculum  and the extra-curricular program we have on offer, provides a rich cultural experience for our students. Students are encouraged to celebrate their own musical cultures through performance, composition and listening.