Key Stage 4 Results 2023/24

Performance Measure  
Progress 8 score -1.72
Attainment 8 score 26.6
Percentage of pupils achieved a strong pass (Grade 5 or above) in English and Maths 15.1%
Percentage of pupils entered for the Ebacc 39.8%
Ebacc average points score 2.27
Percentage of pupils continuing into education, training or onto employment 91%


Key Stage 5 Results 2023/24

To see our latest Key Stage 5 results, click here to visit the DfE 16-18 performance tables.

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has stated that direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years should not be made.

  Average Result Average Point Score % of students retained to the end of the course 
A Levels D 21.61 Data not currently available 

Academic Qualifications
(including A Levels)

D+ 22.66 Data not currently available 
Applied General Qualifications Merit 23.93 Data not currently available 


Department for Education(DfE) School Data Dashboard

The DfE Data Dashboard provides a snapshot of performance in a school, college or other further education and skills providers. The dashboard can be used by governors and by members of the public to check performance of the school or provider in which they are interested.

The Data Dashboard complements the Ofsted inspection report by providing a summary of results data over a three year period and comparisons to other schools or providers. The data should be used by governors to generate key questions to support and challenge the leadership team.

Users are asked to refer to the guidance document and FAQs for additional information on the measures contained in the reports.

Click here to see the school data dashboard