At Alsop High School we operate a split lunch time, with each Year group being assigned to one of two lunch times. Please note the timetables below.

Years 7, 9, 11 and 12



Length (mins)

8.00am Gates open for students arrival  
8.00 - 8.25am Breakfast in canteen if required 25
Start of school day
8.25 - 8.35am Line ups with uniform checks carried out by Tutors & Year Managers 10
8.35 - 9.05am Morning tutor times. Registers taken and behaviour/attendance/equipment checks. 30
9.05 - 9.10am Transition to Lesson 1 5
9.10 - 10.10am Lesson 1 60
10.10 - 11.10am Lesson 2 60
11.10 - 11.30am Break  20
11.30am -12.30pm Lesson 3 60
12.30 - 1.00pm Lunch 30
1pm - 2pm Lesson 4 60
2pm - 3pm Lesson 5 60
End of school day
3.00pm - 4pm After school booster lessons (known as Period 6) for Yr11 & Yr13 and extra-curricular clubs. 60


Years 8, 10 and 13



Length (mins)

8.00am Gates open for students arrival  
8.00 - 8.25am Breakfast in canteen if required 25
Start of school day
8.25 - 8.35am Line ups with uniform checks carried out by Tutors & Year Managers 10
8.35 - 9.05am Morning tutor times. Registers taken and behaviour/attendance/equipment checks. 30
9.05 - 9.10am Transition to Lesson 1 5
9.10 - 10.10am Lesson 1 60
10.10 - 11.10am Lesson 2 60
11.10 - 11.30am Break  20
11.30am -12.30pm Lesson 3 60
12.30 - 1.30pm Lesson 4 60
1.30pm - 2pm Lunch 30
2pm - 3pm Lesson 5 60
End of school day
3.00pm - 4pm After school booster lessons (known as Period 6) for Yr11 & Yr13 and extra-curricular clubs. 60


There are a total of 32 hours 55 minutes per week.

Downloadable versions of timetables for all year groups are available below:

Timetables for all Year Groups

Updated: 19/12/2024 42 KB