Uniform Standards

Our school uniform is considered to be an important aspect of the School ethos and full school uniform is expected to be worn by our students every day.

Green blazer with yellow trim and the school badge

Pullover/ Cardigan (optional) 
V- necked Navy Blue jumper or cardigan with the school badge may be worn underneath blazer

Shirt/ blouse
Plain white shirt/ blouse

School tie with correct year group colour

Trousers/ Skirt
Formal plain black trousers
Formal navy blue skirt

Plain dark coloured socks with trousers
Navy blue coloured socks to be worn with skirt

Black shoes or full black trainers

PE Kit
On days where students have a PE lesson on their timetable they should wear the full Alsop PE kit with an Alsop PE hoodie. Students who do not have a branded Alsop hoodie should wear their blazer.

If not available students must wear an Alsop branded top with plain black bottoms. The bottoms should be suitable sportswear and have ONE logo maximum, no bigger than the size of the Alsop logo on the PE top.  

The school tie colours for September 2024 are as follows:

Year Group Tie Colour
Year 7 Green
Year 8 Silver
Year 9 Gold
Year 10 Purple
Year 11 Navy

Where to buy School Uniforms

The Alsop school uniform can be purchased from either of the two outlets conveniently located within the community.

Laser Schoolwear
61 County Road 
L4 3QD

Tel: 0151 524 9818

Trutex Schoolwear
27 County Road
L4 3QA 

Tel: 0151 523 8422 

All donations of pre-loved uniform are welcome. Please drop any donations at our school office. We hold a stock of pre-loved uniform, if you feel that this may be of benefit to you, please contact the school for further information - Tel: 0151 235 1200 or Email: office@alsophigh.org.uk.