During lockdown Alsop has launched 40 Acts of Kindness as part of the HOPE 21 initiative. Students and staff are encouraged to perform a random act of daily kindness.

It is a simple initiative to encourage kindness on a daily basis. Students have been encouraged to phone or message someone they may not have spoken to since lockdown began. Other simple acts have included a request to wash the dishes or to pick up ten pieces of litter.

A number of students have literally “gone that extra mile”, or kilometre! George Astles, a student in Year 10 has now completed his 100k Challenge. With his Dad, he has used lockdown to fundraise to purchase food hampers for Anfield Primary School.

His mum Emma Astles writes: “I just wanted to update you on the massive achievement of George finishing his 100k challenge on Tuesday last week. We are thrilled by his effort and fundraising. We don’t know total amount at present as we are waiting for school to update the amount they raised having an own clothes day to add to the cause. The Go Fund Me page has raised £780.”

Mr Kennedy, Assistant Head of Year 10 writes: “This is an amazing achievement from a fantastic student. We are delighted George has used lockdown to selflessly help and support families from his former primary school. George is a fantastic role model and an inspiration to us all. Well Done George, we are so proud of you.”

Here is the link for further donations:
