Together We Can
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Students from Alsop High School and Arnot St Mary CE School have completed a pilgrimage of HOPE to Liverpool’s Anglican and Metropolitan cathedrals. They have recorded a film to be used in to encourage young people to pause and reflect about how schools can rebuild and reconnect communities as we slowly emerge from the Covid 19 pandemic.
Alsop wants to reach out and bring hope to those people who have suffered, lost confidence and may have become isolated from family, friends and their community. The film reinforces the belief that “TOGETHER WE CAN ……… “ This will be released at the launch of the HOPE 22 initiative in December 2021.
The journey began inside of Liverpool Anglican Cathedral at the memorial to the late Bishop David Sheppard which is inscribed with words from the prophet Jeremiah.
'Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you...and pray to the Lord on its behalf.'
Young people lit candles in memory of those who have died and those who suffer and grieve.
Mr Paul Masher, Headteacher writes: “We are delighted that these young ambassadors have made this film. It reminds us that schools build communities and are safe places which bring people together. Schools and young people can have such a positive ripple effect upon our neighbourhoods. As local hubs schools are catalysts for renewal by fostering communities where everyone can flourish.”
Mr Peter Bull, Head of RE comments: “As we learn to live with Covid, people are beginning to make plans and talk about new projects. But, it is through small steps of love that our future will be renewed. Schools are uniquely placed to rebuild our communities, bring people together and ensure that no-one is left behind. We can all work together to renew our schools and communities”
Tom Stafford, Yr 13 School Captain writes: “After the trauma of the pandemic, our schools, our neighbours and our communities are in desperate need of an injection of HOPE. We live in uncertain times. We as young people have respect for the faith traditions that have shaped our city and which continue to motivate our faith communities.”
Jesse Taylor, Year 13 School Captain adds: “HOPE is our theme as it speaks to the unique character of our great city. Our city has seen tough times before. We are known as a people who can overcome tough times, because we work together across our differences.”
The students paused at the Hope Street suitcase sculpture. Here Daisy Sayonas Year 8 student said:“This street sculpture reminds us of everyone who has journeyed to Liverpool, settled here and enriched our city. We want our communities to be places of welcome to people of all races and religions. It also reminds us of people who don't have a place to call home, families in our own city as well as people abroad. Here we thought about people who have fled Afghanistan in fear of their lives.”
The students also stopped at the memorial sculpture to the late Bishop David Shepherd and Archbishop Derek Worlock. Here they spoke about how these two great faith leaders who brought HOPE and worked tirelessly for Liverpool.
Tom Casey, Year 11 comments: “Here we remembered how these men set aside their differences and prayed together. They stood in solidarity with people who struggled with poverty and injustice. They reconciled people who were divided and worked alongside people wanting to make their community a better place.”
The pilgrimage of HOPE concluded at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. Here students made a commitment to work together to bring the Common Good alive, each of taking responsibility according to our ability.
The film “The Together We Can … “ will be released at the launch of the HOPE 22 initiative in December 2021.