This morning Alsop students accompanied The Worshipful, The Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Roy Gladden to lay a wreath at the Holocaust Memorial in St Johns Gardens.

Thank you to Kejsi Cota and Leighton Ferguson for laying the wreath on behalf of all schools within the City of Liverpool.

We then proceeded to Liverpool Town Hall where our members of Alsop Sixth Form delivered the Schools Presentation “A Reflection About Ordinary People”

Rachel Jones, Jamie Farquhar, Lauryn Cook and Sean Thompson spoke movingly about why ordinary people need to challenge prejudice and stand up to hatred.

Thank you to Lynne Tynan who accompanied the students on their recent visit to Auschwitz and to the Civic Commemoration today.

We are delighted that our HMD film, featuring the Auschwitz testimony of the late Mr Zigi Shipper BEM continues to be shown by schools around the UK.

*Please click here to watch holocaust Video

I attach a copy of the presentation and powerpoint used today at Liverpool Town Hall.

Zigi Shipper BEM (1930 – 2023)

Updated: 05/05/2023 1.18 MB

Zigi worked tirelessly for the Holocaust Educational Trust, delivering his Auschwitz survivor testimony and delivering words of HOPE. In his late 80’s he continued to travel the length and breadth of the UK speaking to young people. He was truly inspirational and many will recall how he captivated the attention of Alsop students and truly won our hearts. Zigi loved visiting Alsop and always ended with one simple message Do Not Hate.

“May his memory be a blessing.”