Faith leaders, community members and students have attended a special event at Alsop High School to launch a Growing Faith Learning hub. The event was launched in the presence of The Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Roy Gladden.

The launch included music performed by students from Alsop High School and Arnot St Mary CE Primary School. Young people who, will be at the heart of the learning hub, spoke about how they want to generate neighbourhood pride and build “Beacons of HOPE” in which all can flourish and build the Common Good. Readings and prayers from the major world religions were also read by pupils from Kirkdale St Lawrence Primary School.

Canon Ellen Loudon, Director of Social Justice at Liverpool Cathedral spoke about how the hub will enable young to learn the language and gain an understanding of religion. Canon Loudon reminded the assembled audience that schools are at the centre of our communities and play a vital in their transformation. Bishop Tom Williams, Archdiocese of Liverpool reminded young people of their potential to be the change the want to see.

Inspector Sarah Rotherham, Local Policing Community Inspector comments:
“Thank you for inviting me to the launch of the Together We Can Growing Faith Club at Alsop High School. It was evident that there is enthusiasm and passion for community at Alsop and this is reflected within the pupils and staff at the school. I went away from the launch hopeful and excited for the future. Thank you for all the school does not only for the pupils of Alsop, but the wider community.

Ms Kim O’Brien, Executive Editor Educate Magazine writes:
“The launch was amazing. I felt incredibly privileged to be invited. What Alsop have accomplished is truly inspiring and the school should feel very proud. A real honour to be invited.”

The Growing Faith Hub is funded by the Church of England and it will foster opportunities to celebrate FAITH through stories of HOPE and Social ACTION within schools throughout north Liverpool. The hub will be the catalyst to grow faith, form character and develop a “Network of Kindness” to bring people together. It will provide the opportunity to link the faith communities with local schools and institutions.

The launch included a beautiful film recorded in Walton Church for the Day of Remembrance for the those who have died from Covid 19. During the film young people lit candles and spoke eloquently about how we rebuild and reconnect after the recent pandemic. The film is hosted on You Tube and can be accessed here:

* Please click here to view

During the launch Alsop High School pledged to work with Arnot St Mary and Kirkdale St Lawrence Primary Schools, Walton Team Ministry, Liverpool Diocese and the leaders of faith communities. They pledged to work together for the common good and encourage collaboration between people of different faiths and cultures. The hub intends to foster communities where the voice of children and young people is instinctively at the centre of thinking and practice and where children and young people are enabled to be leaders and ‘agents of change’.