Launch of “Our Community Matters Forum” at Alsop
This week Alsop High School launched a weekly “Our Community Matters Forum.” This is a weekly after school initiative to generate neighbourhood pride, form character and develop a “Network of Kindness” to bring people together.
During the first meeting young people shared ideas and pledged to make a difference to make Walton a better place to live and learn. Students were introduced to community artist and former pupil Nicola Taggart. Their first assignment is to design a large painted mural to depict and celebrate community life. There are also plans to produce a community film to show how we can all work together to “be the change we want to see.”
During the session the students were asked “What is community?” They agreed that community is about people coming together to help, support and care for each other. We look forward to watching this forum develop as a place for people to share their ideas and have a say in community matters.