Alsop Students Perform at the Now Festival
Alsop students gave a fantastic performance at the 10th anniversary of the NOW Festival. This is an event which is run to coincide with Children's Mental Health Week to raise awareness of topics of mental health. This year it was held in the fabulous St George's Hall and entrants could re-visit any of the themes from over the last 10 years. Alsop chose to keep it relevant to recent events within our community. The students looked at violence and how technology played a part within.
Alsop students gave a performance about 'What is an active bystander' and how the riots last summer affected our community with the burning down of the Spellow Lane Library. Our students were able to tell us how this affected their mental health and were able to showcase this within their performance.
All the students who performed did so amazingly and were a credit to Alsop High School. They behaved in an peccable manner and represented the school at all times. Thank you to Mr Kerfoot for taking time out of his evening to attend the show and support our students.
Thank you to the Alsop Foundation CIO for funding our students to participate. Alsop students looked professional, like a team and showed they had taken the time and effort to put together a very moving piece.
We will forward on our video once MYA (Merseyside Youth Association) have completed the final edit.