My Community Matters “Alsop Loves”
This week during the My Community Matters forum our students listened to and reflected upon the song 'Heart as Big as Liverpool.' The song was released in 1998 by former Alsop student Pete Wylie and the Mighty Wah. Pete Wylie’s sense of pride and patriotism in his home city is evident in the song's title.
As we approach St Valentine’s Day the students considered the wider concept of what Love means. They reflected upon the things they love about their school and living in Liverpool. They also shared the things they would like to change in school and their community. The group were reminded of the quote from Mahatma Gandhi "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
So, what did the young people like about Alsop? They loved:
“The curriculum”
”The school is inclusive”
“The community aspect of the school”
“Good teachers and talented students”
“The opportunities we have to pursue our interests”
“Being part of a community that cares”
The students expressed pride in their city.
“Liverpool is a multi-cultural and unique city”
“Liverpool people are kind”
“We have a beautiful city with so much to do and see”
“Liverpool is a welcoming city”
What would they love to change at Alsop?
“More outside learning experiences”
“Even more opportunities for students to explore their hearts and interests”
“For some young people to show respect to others”
“More projects like the painting of our community mural”
What needs changing in Liverpool?
“People need to stop living up to stereotypical views”
“I love Liverpool the way it is”
“We need to clean up the rubbish and encourage others to stop leaving their litter on the streets”
“Create safer places with less crime”
“More opportunities for people after school and during weekends and holidays”
The session culminated with an art and craft session facilitated by Ms Creaby. The explored their creative talents by making valentine cards to celebrate St Valentine’s Day.