Recently, over 150 year 10 students participated in a Work Related Learning Workshop. This was delivered by Career Connect, and a number of employers from external companies.

Students formed small teams in order to generate ideas for the creation of a new hotel chain. They then carried out a "Dragon's Den" style activity, creating a pitch, to be judged by employers. In order to create a successful campaign, each team had to devise ideas such as theme, design, room types, pricing, demographics, marketing and overall viability.

Ideas and themes ran on a large spectrum, with local ideas such as "Beatles Hotel" and "Anfield Hotel". They also considered particular demographics such as the elderly ("Silver Service Hotel") and people needing a touch of nostalgia ("Born in the 80s").

Once the allocated time was up, employers then went around and listened to each pitch in order to select finalists to go through to the next stage. Six teams were selected to proceed to stage two. Each one had to stand in front of judges and peers to pitch their ideas one last time. They answered questions from employers to display their understanding. The winning team was "The Climate Crew" who designed a state of the art, eco-friendly hotel with a luxury touch.

Mr. Muscatelli comments:
"The students involved showed great teamwork, delegation and responsibility for their own duties. Many of the ideas were carefully thought out, and the groups who presented in the final demonstrated great maturity and confidence in their work"