This week students at Alsop hosted a visit from the Chief Constable of Merseyside Police. Ms Serena Kennedy attended a special student led assembly looking at how Alsop hopes to rebuild and reconnect with the community as we emerge from Covid 19.

The visit began with a formal assembly. Music was provided by Year 10 student Daniel Powe on the keyboard. Millie Hudson gave an amazing performance of “She Used To Be Mine” the first song Sara Bareilles wrote for Waitress.

The Young Student Leaders spoke movingly about the #TogetherWeCan initiative and the making of their special film which is being shown in schools across Liverpool and beyond. The film can be downloaded via You Tube here:

* Please click here to download film

Chief Constable Kennedy writes:
“It was my pleasure to visit Alsop High School. It was a pleasure to meet the students and staff. The similarities between the #TogetherWeCan initiative and the work Merseyside Police are undertaking in relationship to community engagement is both interesting and reassuring.”

Ms Kennedy addressed the assembled students and spoke about her school days in Ormskirk and why she became a police officer. She spoke about her career progression, starting out in neighbourhood policing as a police constable and working her way up to the rank of Inspector. Ms Kennedy loves coaching and mentoring people through their careers, as she too has benefited from such support.

Since joining Merseyside Police Ms Kennedy has worked extensively to put the needs of the communities of Merseyside first. Ms Kennedy’s vision is to make sure Merseyside remains one of the safest counties in the UK. Since joining Merseyside Police Ms Kennedy has worked extensively to put the needs of the communities of Merseyside first. Her vision is to make sure Merseyside remains one of the safest counties in the UK.

During the visit young people reinforced how Respect underpins the Alsop Way and how we can act together in loving friendship to build trust both within the school and community to ensure no-one is left behind.

The students quoted words from the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu who reminded people, that the thing which defines us as human beings, is relationship.

Tutu said, “As human beings, we are made by God to be in relationship with one another.” He calls this Ubuntu. To practise Ubuntu, we need to recognize that we are not on our own as human beings and not here to pursue our own individual ambitions.

The students reminded the audience that our humanity is tied up, with the humanity of others and we must place the good of the community above our own selfish interests. What a wonderful place our schools and communities would be if they were characterized by the word Ubuntu!

For more information visit please contact: or call Alsop High School, Walton Liverpool